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Join us we walk the Way of the Light

By May 12, 2021September 19th, 2022No Comments

Join us as we walk La Via Lucis
The Way of the Light

La Via Lucis, also known as the Stations of the Resurrection, takes one through 14 of the most inspiriting events of Jesus’ post-Resurrection life on Earth. It is a form of devotion where one is encouraged to meditate on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and walk along a path of transforming joy by following in the footsteps of the Risen Christ and his friends. La Via Lucis stretches the 50 days, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday.
Thursday 27 May 2021
Meet 10am at the The Waterway Chapel,
Therry Street, Rookwood Catholic Cemetery
Morning tea will be served after this prayerful and joyful walk
Please RSVP
by Tuesday 25 May
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