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Meet Our Board

Catholic Cemeteries + Crematoria is governed and supported by a highly-skilled and committed Board of directors, with each member contributing unique strengths and experience to land management and community service.

The Board has three key areas of focus:

  • Strategic Direction
  • Governance
  • Advocacy and Communication with stakeholders including the Crown Lands and Public Spaces, Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure and Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW.

Danny Casey

Danny’s professional career includes senior executive roles with Energy Australia, Ernst & Young, Lend Lease as well as leadership of a commercial law firm. Danny was appointed as the Business Manager of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney in 2003.

In 2008, Danny was the senior executive (COO) responsible for the planning and delivery of World Youth Day in Sydney – a major international event that had more international visitors than attended the Sydney Olympics. Over 500,000 people gathered at each of the major events which were broadcast to an estimated worldwide audience of in excess of 1.4 billion.

In 2014 Danny was invited to assist Pope Francis on the economic and regulatory reforms being developed and implemented in the Vatican where he established new practices based in international standards and best practice. Following his return to Australia, Danny has re-established himself as a management consultant and advisor, assisting various businesses and not for profits on strategy and governance. Danny holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of NSW and a Master of Economics from Macquarie University and is a CPA.

Deputy Chairperson

Sister Maria Wheeler

Member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Australia.

Currently in ministry part time at the Congregational offices and a mentor in the Australian Catholic University’s Clemente Program. Sister Maria is also a Director of the Sisters of Charity Community Care Ltd, having previously been the inaugural Executive Director of the Sisters of Charity Foundation Ltd and a Director on several Education Boards.
Sr Maria was appointed to the Diocese of Parramatta’s Diocesan Audit and Enterprise Risk Committee and has been honoured for her contribution to education administration with a Fellowship of the Australian College of Education and the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission Award for Outstanding Contribution to Catholic Education in Tasmania. She was appointed a Governor of Catholic Cemeteries Board by Archbishop Anthony Fisher in June 2015.
Director, (Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney)

Most Rev Terence Brady

Ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Sydney in 1983 and ordained an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Sydney on 16 November 2007.

Ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Sydney in 1983 and ordained an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Sydney on 16 November 2007.
Bishop Brady has maintained a strong commitment to social justice through a long connection with St Vincent de Paul Society, especially serving the homeless through the Matthew Talbot Hostel and for the last seven years as the Director of Catholic Mission for the Archdiocese.

He was appointed a Governor of the Catholic Cemeteries Board by George Cardinal Pell in May 2011.


Dominic Sullivan

Dominic Sullivan has more than 25 years’ experience in range of property, investment, legal and commercial roles within the public and private sectors.

A former commercial lawyer, and Mayor of Randwick City Council for six years, Dominic has also extensive experience in leadership roles in the property sector, where he has led and managed large scale urban renewals, mixed-use developments, and social and affordable housing projects. He also overseen the design and delivery of a large number of community facilities and projects.

Dominic is Chairman of the Brown Nurses – a Ministry of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor; Chairman of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney’s Property Committee, and a Director of the End Street Sleeping Collaboration aiming to end rough sleeping in NSW. Dominic is also Director of the PAYCE Foundation which works in partnership with charities and community organisations to assist vulnerable individuals and communities in the areas of addiction, homelessness, mental health and domestic and family violence. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons).

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