Coronavirus (COVID- 19) Update
As a valued customer, we would like to provide an update on the precautions we’re taking to address the current Coronavirus (COVID- 19) situation.
Catholic Cemeteries + Crematoria (CCC) is closely monitoring all available information provided by the Department of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to develop strategies to prioritise the safety of our customers and employees.
CCC will take all necessary and reasonable steps to mitigate against the risk of transmission of infection within our cemeteries and facilities. Furthermore, we have an active line of communication with all staff to adhere to local health guidelines and self-quarantine requirements including seeking medical advice, respiratory hygiene and arrangements for remote working.
In order to enhance our high standards of hygiene and cleanliness across all our sites, we are introducing a number of additional precautionary measures to reduce the risk of infection and keep everyone safe. These include:
> Hard surface cleansing in the chapels after each service
> Deep clean of chapels and other facilities on a daily basis
> Ensure hand sanitiser is available to customers
> Staff issued with additional PPE where required
> Minimise person to person contact within our service environment
> Familiarise all staff around hygiene practices and COVID-19
CCC maintains an active business continuity plan to ensure the continued operations and services between our businesses, with certain staff rostered to work from home. Our management have been advised to use their best judgement when it comes to attending customer sites/meetings and have as a preventative measure, discontinued on-site meetings and all business travel.
We will continue to monitor the evolving COVID-19 landscape and communicate any further updates with you. In the meantime, we are open for all services whilst it is safe and legal to do so and ensure our service remains at the high level you have come to expect.
Please do not hesitate to contact our offices if you have any additional questions.
Rookwood Catholic – 1300 114 997
Liverpool – (02) 9602 0344
Kemps Creek – (02) 9826 2273
Sydney Olympic Park Head Office – (02) 8713 5700
COVID-19 precautions
For existing bookings and new appointments
If you have recently (within 14 days) returned from China, Iran, Italy or South Korea or have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patient, contact us and we will re-book or book your appointment.
If you are reading this out of hours, please leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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