Bringing them Home
“Bringing Them Home” is an annual interment Service during Homelessness Week. Each year we gather in the gardens of the Charles O’Neil Walk with a variety of groups from across the Sydney Archdiocese. St Vincent de Paul, David’s Place, the Cana Community and Matthew Talbot attend with men and women from their communities to remember, reflect, pray and lay to rest friends, acquaintances and family members.
This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions our service was attended by Grief Care and Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria staff only.
We invite you to gather as community or privately to watch, reflect and pray with us, as Bishop Terry Brady, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, (Episcopal Vicar of the Norther Region, Episcopal Vicar of Health, Welfare and Social Justice) leads this recorded service.
An Introduction from Bishop Terry Brady
View the Bringing them Home Annual Service