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2024 Community Sponsorship Program

Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria is excited to announce the opening of our 2024 Community Sponsorship Program. We believe in supporting initiatives that enhance the well-being and vitality of the communities we serve.

Who can apply

The Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria 2024 Community Sponsorship Program is open to not-for-profit groups, community groups, funeral directors or social enterprises, and community, cultural, or sporting groups operating within the areas we serve. These groups must have a clear vision and goal to enhance the communities living near our cemeteries and facilities through projects, programs, or initiatives.

How to apply

For consideration in the 2024 Community Sponsorship Program, you must meet the eligibility criteria outlined below and submit an Application Form (including all supporting information) by no later than 5pm on Friday, 5 July 2024.

Please read the Program Guidelines and Terms and Conditions for the full eligibility criteria, prior to beginning your Application Form.

Program Guidelines and Terms & Conditions

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Applications will be accepted from:
    • not-for-profit incorporated groups.
    • community groups with an auspice via an incorporated body.
    • funeral directors or social enterprises.
    • community, cultural or sporting groups operating within CCC catchment areas.
  2. Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
    • Demonstrate a direct connection to CCC stakeholder communities.
    • The goals of the applicant demonstrate alignment with CCC’s mission and values.
    • Only submit one application per applicant per year.
    • Not have available resources or capacity to self-fund the project or event.
    • Grant applicants must provide a certificate of current public liability insurance at the time of application.

Ineligible Projects

  1. Projects outside of Greater Sydney.
  2. Retrospective projects (i.e., projects that have already commenced).
  3. Salaries of employees who will be supervising or working on the project.
  4. Projects that could be perceived as benefitting a political party or associated groups.
  5. Projects that could be perceived as divisive within the community.
  6. Projects that have been funded by CCC for three consecutive years.


  1. Applications must be submitted by eligible groups using the Sponsorship Application Form found on the CCC website.
  2. Applicants must provide the following documentation with their sponsorship application:
    • The organisation’s certificate of incorporation.
    • A copy of public liability insurance or quote for public liability insurance covering the proposed project.
    • Most recent annual report or statement of income and expenditure (if applicable).
    • Quotes for any budget items over the value of $500.
    • Any other document relevant to the proposed project, such as letters of support, project plans, photographs, etc.
  3. Applications without the supporting documents listed may not be assessed.


  1. All organisations applying for grants must be incorporated.
  2. Non-incorporated groups must ask an incorporated organisation to act as their Auspice (i.e., to apply for and manage the sponsorship on their behalf).
  3. The Auspice Body must hold current Public Liability Insurance.
  4. If the application is successful, payment will be forwarded to the Auspice Organisation, which will then be responsible for the application of the grant money to the project.
  5. The Auspice Organisation will also be responsible for acquitting and reporting on the funded project on completion (as outlined in the successful applicant’s funding agreement).

Assessment Criteria

  1. Meet the grant eligibility criteria.
  2. Sponsorship activities are conducted in the greater Sydney Region.
  3. Applicants have fully articulated the sponsorship activity with a project plan using the CCC Sponsorship Application Form.
  4. Applications include a budget breakdown of the proposed project or event.
  5. The applicant demonstrates the ability to successfully deliver the project or event.
  6. The applicant demonstrates how the sponsorship aligns with or promotes at least one of CCC’s priorities.
  7. Demonstrates the reach of the project through measurable outputs.


How much money can be applied for?

Sponsorships of up to $5,000 are available. Sponsorships above this amount may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How do I know if my project meets the location guidelines for the program?

Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria is seeking to support a range of projects, programs or initiatives that will have a positive impact on the communities local to our cemeteries and parklands.

While we are not restricting 2024 applications to a prescribed list of suburbs, the primary area of benefit for your proposed project, program or initiative must be within close proximity to one or more of our locations.

Click here to see our current locations.

What supporting documentation is required?

To apply, you will need to provide the following documentation:

  • Details of your organisation’s status (e.g., association, company, partnership, trust, or charity), including proof of incorporation and/or an ABN.
  • Project budget.
  • At least one quote for capital works, resources, equipment, or materials over $500.
  • You can attach documents to your online applications if they are in an acceptable file type (e.g., Word, Excel, PDF, or JPEG) and do not exceed the maximum file size.

What are considered measurable outcomes?

We require applicants to demonstrate the success of their project by considering what success would look like for their initiative.

Applicants should consider how their project will positively impact local communities and how they will demonstrate that impact.

Applicants may wish to include surveys or other methods of data collection to demonstrate these results.

Data may include the number of people helped or benefiting overall from the project, the nature of the positive benefit, whether the project was targeted at a particular community cohort, and whether the project will have a lasting impact beyond its delivery period – continuing to deliver long-term value to the community, for instance.

This type of data will help us assess the feasibility and success of individual projects and the broader program.

What is the likelihood of my application getting funding?

All complying applications will be assessed by a review panel according to the strength of the project against the eligibility criteria and project requirements.

To increase the chance of securing a sponsorship, ensure you clearly demonstrate how you meet each eligibility criterion and project requirement.

Due to caps on funding, it is likely that some applicants/applications that satisfy the eligibility criteria may not be invited to participate in the current year’s Community Sponsorships Program. The final decisions and the amount of funding to be allocated (if any) is at the sole discretion of Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria.

Is there a sponsorship funds expenditure deadline?

The sponsorship funds must be used solely for the approved project/program/initiative as set out in the Community Sponsorship Program Agreement and be expended by 30 June 2025.

Is there a deadline for applications?

You must complete and submit an application form by no later than 5:00 pm (AEST) on Friday, 5 July 2024

How are applications assessed?

All complying applications will be assessed by a review panel according to the strength of the project against the eligibility criteria and project requirements.

To increase your application’s chance of success, ensure you clearly demonstrate how you meet each eligibility criterion and project requirement.

Who can I contact for more information?

For further information about the program, please email us at

Sponsorship Application

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